One of the most powerful prayers you will ever pray

"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Most of us (myself included) say these words everyday. We say them, making the Sign of the Cross, before we eat, before we sleep, before we get in our car.

But, for me, it's no longer enough to say these words - it's time I start to pray them.

And I want you to start praying them with me.

Today and everyday, before you eat, before you sleep, before you get in your car, take a moment to pray the Sign of the Cross. Pray it slow and from the heart. Pray it knowing that in those few words all that we are and all that we have finds it's purpose in God.

It was a priest who taught me this years ago, and unfortunately, I haven't been very good at remembering. But I begin anew, today. And you can, too.

"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."

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